
ISKCON Bhuvaikuntha Pandharpur


Donate for ISKCON Bhuvaikuntha Pandharpur New Temple Construction

Even a little given in the service of Lord rewards the giver hundreds and thousands of times. When we offer something in the service of the Lord, we’re just returning the property to its rightful owner.

Minimum 100 Rs
Maximum 9,99,999 Rs

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Donation Total: ₹108

Why Donate?

Devotees who help to construct temples are freed from sins of a thousand births.

Departed soul of a devotee who contributed towards temple construction will reach the abode of Lord Vishnu, thus escaping from the sufferings to be undergone in hell.

One who killed a Brahmin (Brahma – Hatya dosha) can be nullified through donation for temple construction.

Devotees who helped to construct temple (by providing construction materials, by donating money or by physical service) acquires punya of bathing at all sacred shrines.

Devotee who help build a temple is born as a man of good deeds and his family is well off.

Devotees who offer donation to temple are enlightened spiritually & he will gain spiritual power.

In our wall of life we go to Hospitals, clinics to cure our diseases/illness, Temples are spiritual clinics where it cleans all our karmas & shaapas. Hence, Temple construction/ renovations are necessary in the life. Donating to temple construction is as good as contributing to its growth. An individual unknowingly becomes involved in the spread of spirituality.

Donating to temple construction is the ultimate to overcome any type of dosha or shaapa.

300000 Sqft.

Total Area

Nov. 2023

Starting Date

6 Years


150 Crore


Participate in the glorious Sri Sri Radha-Pandhrinath donation by donating any amount.

Feel free to contribute based on your individual ability to donate.

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Billing Details

Donation Total: ₹108

Participate in the glorious Mandir Nirman Seva by donating tiles and receive the special blessings of Sri Sri Vitthal Rukmini and Sri Sri Radha Pandharinath.

Feel free to contribute based on your individual ability to donate.

Personal Info

Billing Details

Donation Total: ₹6,000

Every Square Foot Count

Participate in the Bhavya Shree Ram Mandir Nirman Seva by donating a square foot and receive the special blessings of the Lord Rama. Also Get your name inscribed on Sabri Wall in the temple. Feel free to contribute based on your individual ability to donate.

Personal Info

Billing Details

Donation Total: ₹6,000

Bank details for NEFT/RTGS/IMPS


A/C Name : ISKCON Pandharpur

Bank Name : Axis Bank

A/C Type : Current

A/C Number : 915010016112368

IFSC : UTIB0001258 (Third Letter is Capital I )

Branch : Pandharpur

For Receipt, Please send donation screenshot on WhatsApp 9226167380

Scan QR Code for Mobile

Bhuvaikuntha Donation Seva

Three Magnificent Alter Seva

Donate for building marvelous, carving alter for Radha Pandharinath, Gaur Nitai, Ram Darbar.

₹ 3 Cr Donation (Each)

Temple Hall

Temple hall will be an opportunity to take the auspicious Darshans of Their Lordship Sri Sri Radha Pandharinath 

₹ 5 Cr Donation

Srila Prabhupada Alter Seva

Donate for Alter of HDG AC Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON Founder Acharya.

₹ 1 Cr Donation

Deity Kitchen

Deity Kitchen need to be equipped with all required paraphernalia 


₹ 2.5 Cr Donation

Prasadam Hall & Kitchen

1000s of devotees takes prasadam during major festivals including Janmashtami, Ashadi Ekadashi.

₹ 5 Cr Donation

Sant Niwas

1000s of devotees stay at Sri Pandharpur Dham especially during Ekadashi and Ashadi/Kartik Ekadashi.


₹ 5 Cr Donation

A strong desire to donate gives a lot of Mercy

Wants to Donate in Future?

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We have lot of questions in our mind. Why should we donate? What do we need Temples? Does God Really Exists? To get answers to all your questions or you want to donate in future, on your birthday or special occasion, please fill this form. 


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